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※国立情報学研究所 NII論文情報ナビゲータでの業績一覧はこちら



  1. 伊藤谷生・井川猛・足立幾久・伊勢崎修弘・平田直・浅沼俊夫・宮内崇裕・松本みどり・高橋通浩・松澤進一・鈴木雅也・石田啓祐・奥池司郎・木村学・國友孝洋・後藤忠徳・澤田臣啓・竹下徹・仲谷英夫・長谷川修一・前田卓哉・村田明広・山北聡・山口和雄・山口覚 (1996). 四国中央構造線地下構造の総合物理探査. 地質学雑誌, 102(4), 346-360. https://doi.org/10.5575/geosoc.102.346
  2. Electromagnetic Research Group for the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake (1997). Tectonoelectric signal related with the occurrence of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake (M 7.2) and preliminary results of electromagnetic observation around the focal area. Journal of Physics of the Earth, 45(2), 91-104. https://doi.org/10.4294/jpe1952.45.91
  3. Goto, T., Oshiman, N., & Sumitomo, N. (1997). The resistivity structure around the hypocentral area of the Ebino Earthquake Swarm in Kyushu district, Japan. Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity, 49(11-12), 1279-1291. https://doi.org/10.5636/jgg.49.1279
  4. Goto, T., Yamaguchi, S., Sumitomo, N., & Yaskawa, K. (1998). The electrical structure across the Median Tectonic Line in east Shikoku, southwest Japan. Earth, planets and space, 50(5), 405-415. https://doi.org/10.1186/BF03352127
  5. Toh, H., T. Goto and Y. Hamano, A new seafloor electromagnetic station with an Overhauser magnetometer, a magnetotelluric variograph and an acoustic telemetry modem, Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 895-903, 1998.
  6. Ichiki, M., M. Mishina, T. Goto, N. Oshiman, N. Sumitomo, and H. Utada, Magnetotelluric investigations for the seismically active area in northern Miyagi prefecture, northeastern Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 51, 351-361, 1999.


  1. Ogawa, Y., M. Mishina, T. Goto, H. Satoh, N. Oshiman, T. Kasaya, Y. Takahashi, T. Nishitani, S. Sakanaka, M. Uyeshima, Y. Takahashi, Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Magnetotelluric imaging of fluids in intraplate earthquake zones, NE Japan back arc, Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 3741-3744, 2001.
  2. Shinohara, M., E. Araki, M. Kamata, M. Kinoshita, N. Kyo, K. Kuroki, Y. Kosuge, S. Kobayashi, S. Konno, T. Goto, S. Saito, M. Suzuki, T. Takahashi, K. Tadokoro, U. Tsunogai, K. Tezuka, K. Nanba, M. Nishi, R. Hino, H. Mikada, N. Morita, C. Yoshida and H. Ito, Long-Term monitoring using deep seafloor boreholes penetrating the seismogenic zone, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo, 78, 205-218, 2003.
  3. 笠谷貴史・山口覚・後藤忠徳・上嶋誠・歌田久司・鍵山恒臣・三ケ田均・末広潔, 紀伊半島における深部比抵抗構造探査, 物理探査, 56, 427-437, 2003.
  4. 後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・三ケ田均・木下正高・末廣潔・木村俊則・芦田讓・渡辺俊樹・山根一修, 電磁気学的な流体の分布と移動の解明 -南海トラフを例として-, 物理探査, 56, 439-451, 2003.
  5. Goto, T., Y. Wada, N. Oshiman and N. Sumitomo, Resistivity structure of a seismic gap along the Atotsugawa Fault, Japan, Phys. Earth. Planet. Int., 148, 55-72, 2005.
  6. Kasaya, T., T. Goto, H. Mikada, K. Baba, K. Suyehiro, and H. Utada, Resistivity image of the Philippine Sea Plate around the 1944 Tonankai earthquake deduced by Marine and Land MT surveys, Earth Planets and Space, 57, 209-213, 2005.
  7. Tada, N., N. Seama, T. Goto, and M. Kido, 1-D resistivity structures of the oceanic crust around the hydrothermal circulation system in the central Mariana Trough using Magnetometric Resistivity method, Earth Planets and Space, 57, 673-677, 2005.
  8. 木村俊則・芦田讓・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・三ケ田均・真田佳典・渡辺俊樹・山根一修, 南海トラフ沈みこみ帯の地殻比抵抗構造, 物理探査, 58, 251-262, 2005.
  9. 林為人・後藤忠徳・中村敏明・三ケ田均, 圧力条件下における岩石の比抵抗測定, 応用地質, 46, 220-226, 2005.


  1. 木下正高・笠谷貴史・後藤忠徳・浅川賢一・岩瀬良一・満澤巨彦, 伊豆東方沖地震に誘発された相模湾初島沖の海底地すべり, 日本地すべり学会誌, 43, 41-43, 2006.
  2. 三ケ田均・家長将典・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史, 南海トラフにおける間隙水挙動に関する研究の現状と間隙水圧力観測の意義, 地学雑誌, 115, 367-382, 2006.
  3. 笠谷貴史・後藤忠徳・佐藤壮・嶋田純, 八代海干潟でのVLF-MT探査による湧水検出, 物理探査, 59, 497-504, 2006.
  4. 笠谷貴史・後藤忠徳・高木亮, 海洋における地殻構造探査のための電磁場観測技術とその動向, 物理探査, 59, 585-594, 2006.
  5. Goto, T., Kasaya, T., Machiyama, H., Takagi, R., Matsumoto, R., Okuda, Y., Satoh, M., Watanabe, T., Seama, N., Mikada, H., Sanada, Y., and Kinoshita, M., Marine deep- towed DC resistivity survey in a methane hydrate area, Japan Sea, Exploration Geophysics, 39, 52-59; Butsuri-Tansa, 61, 52-59; Mulli-Tamsa, 11, 52-59, 2008. Exploration Geophysics誌Vol.39(1)のFeature Paperに選ばれました。
  6. 後藤忠徳・三ケ田均, 電磁気法探査(EM法探査)技術の現状と展望 -地震探査との統合型解析に向けて-, 地学雑誌, 117, 997-1010, 2008.
  7. Kawamura, K., Hamamoto, H., Yamano, M., Goto, T., Baba, K., and KR08-10 Shipboard Scientists, Uplift of the Miyako Knoll in a landward slope of the Japan Trench, off Miyako, NE Japan, J. Geol. Soc. Jap., 114, 12, IX-X, 2008.
  8. Kasaya, T. and Goto, T., A small ocean bottom electromagnetometer and ocean bottom electrometer system with an arm-folding mechanism (Technical Report), Exploration Geophysics 40, 41-48; Butsuri-Tansa, 62, 41-48; Mulli-Tamsa, 12, 41-48, 2009.
  9. 松本良・奥田義久・蛭田明宏・戸丸仁・竹内瑛一・山王梨紗・鈴木麻希・土永和博・石田泰士・石崎理・武内里香・小松原純子・Antonio Fernando Freire・町山栄章・青山千春・上嶋正人・弘松峰男・Glen Snyder・沼波秀樹・佐藤幹夫・的場保望・中川洋・角和善隆・荻原成騎・柳川勝則・砂村倫成・後藤忠徳・廬海龍・小林武志, 日本海東縁,上越海盆の高メタンフラックス域におけるメタンハイドレートの成長と崩壊, 地学雑誌, 118, 43-71, 2009.
  10. 原田誠・佐柳敬造・竹内昭洋・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・澤隆雄・中島崇裕・長尾年恭・楠本成寿, 磁気異常のフォワードモデリングによる海底熱水鉱床の検出可能性について, 東海大学海洋研究所研究報告, 30, 59-67, 2009.
  11. 岡本拓・後藤忠徳・木村俊則・真田佳典・三ケ田均・芦田 讓, MT法TMモード電磁応答を用いた電気伝導度異方性の検出, 物理探査, 62, 249-259, 2009.
  12. 後藤忠徳・桜井紀旭・高木亮・笠谷貴史, 海底電磁探査の近年の進歩とメタンハイドレート検出への適用, 地学雑誌, 118, 935-954, 2009.
  13. Kasaya, T., Goto, T., Baba, K., Kinoshita, M., Hamano, Y., and Fukao, Y., Recent progress of the Electro-Magnetic survey to investigate Earth's interior, JAMSTEC -R, IFREE Special Issue, 103-110, 2009.
  14. Goto, T., Kasaya, T., Kinoshita, M., Araki, E., Kawaguchi, K., Asakawa, K., Yokobiki, T., Nakajima, T., Nagao, H., Harada, M., and Sayanagi, K., Development of the off-Toyohashi seafloor cabled observatory, JAMSTEC-R, IFREE Special Issue, 149-162, 2009.
  15. Yoshimura, R., Oshiman, N., Uyeshima, M., Toh, H., Uto, T., Kanezaki, H., Mochido, Y., Aizawa, K., Ogawa, Y., Nishitani, T., Sakanaka, S., Mishina, M., Satoh, H., Goto, T., Kasaya, T., Yamaguchi, S., Murakami, H., Mogi, T., Yamaya, Y., Harada, M., Shiozaki, I., Honkura, Y., Koyama, S., Nakao, S., Wada, Y., and Fujita, Y., Magnetotelluric transect across the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone,central Japan: A clear correlation between strain accumulation and resistivity structure, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L20311, doi:10.1029/2009GL040016, 2009.
  16. Kasaya, T., Mitsuzawa, K., Goto, T., Iwase, R., Sayanagi, K., Araki, E., Asakawa, K., Mikada, H., Watanabe, T., Takahashi, I., and Nagao, T., Trial of Multidisciplinary Observation at an Expandable Sub-Marine Cabled Station "Off-Hatsushima Island Observatory" in Sagami Bay, Japan, Sensors, 9, 9241-9254, 2009.
  17. Asakawa, K., Yokobiki, T., Goto, T., Araki, E., Kasaya, T., Kinoshita, M., and Kojima, J., New scientific underwater cable system Tokai-SCANNER for underwater geophysical monitoring utilizing a decommissioned optical underwater telecommunication cable, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 34, 539-547, 2009.
  18. 木村俊則・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・岡本拓・三ケ田均・真田佳典・渡辺俊樹・芦田讓, 構造境界面を組込んだMT法の2次元インバージョン, 物理探査, 63, 185-196, 2010.
  19. Matsuno, T., Seama, N., Evans, R. L., Chave, A. D., Baba, K., White, A., Goto, T., Heinson, G., Boren, G., Yoneda, A., and Utada, H., Upper mantle electrical resistivity structure beneath the central Mariana subduction system, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q09003, doi:10.1029/2010GC003101, 2010.
  20. Baba, K., Utada, H., Goto, T., Kasaya, T., Shimizu, H., and Tada, N., Electrical conductivity imaging of the Philippine Sea upper mantle using seafloor magnetotelluric data, Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 183, 44-62, 2010.
  21. 辻本すばる・三ケ田均・淺川栄一・後藤忠徳・尾西恭亮, レシーバ関数解析によるP-S 変換波を用いた地下構造イメージング -自然地震および屈折法探査データの利用-, 物理探査, 63, 485-496, 2010.
  22. 岡本京祐・三ケ田均・後藤忠徳・武川順一, Coda-Qと弾性体に働く応力との関係 -統計量から導く状態量-, 物理探査, 63, 519-529, 2010.
  23. 原田 誠・佐柳敬造・伊勢崎修弘・笠谷貴史・澤 隆雄・浅田美穂・多田訓子・市原寛・後藤忠徳・野木義史・大西信人・松尾淳, 海底資源探査に向けた磁気探査装置の開発ーR/V「よこすか」YK09-09 航海における実海域試験ー, 東海大学紀要海洋学部「海―自然と文化」, 8, 23-40, 2010.
  24. Toh, H., Hamano, Y., Goto, T., and Utada, H., Long-term seafloor electromagnetic observation in the northwest Pacific may detect the vector geomagnetic secular variation, Data Science Journal, 9, IGY100-IGY109, 2010.


  1. Toh, H., Satake, K., Hamano, Y., Fujii, Y., and Goto, T., Tsunami signals from the 2006 and 2007 Kuril earthquakes detected at a seafloor geomagnetic observatory, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2010JB007873, 2011.
  2. Ohkawa, E., Mikada, H., Goto, T., Onishi, K., Takekawa, J., Taniguchi, K., and Ashida, Y., Suppression of insolation heating using paint admixed with silica spheres - An approach from infrared band electromagnetic scattering, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 1412-1418, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2011.03.011, 2011.
  3. 岡野豊・三ケ田均・尾西恭亮・後藤忠徳, 3成分3次元反射法地震探査データにおける分散関係式を用いたP波・S波の平面波分解, 物理探査, 64, 139-152, 2011.
  4. Chiang, C. W., Goto, T., Chen, C. C., and Hsu, S. K., Efficiency of a marine towed electrical resistivity method, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22, 443-446, 2011.
  5. 武川順一・三ケ田均・後藤忠徳, 地震波動伝播シミュレーションにおける粒子法の適用性に関する研究, 物理探査, 64, 187-195, 2011.
  6. 今村尚人・後藤忠徳・武川順一・三ケ田均, 人工信号源電磁探査法の海底熱水鉱床への適用可能性, 物理探査, 64, 243-254, 2011.
  7. Goto, T., Kondo, K., Ito, R., Esaki, K., Oouchi, Y., Abe, Y., and Tsujimura, M., Implications of self-potential distribution for groundwater flow system in a non-volcanic mountain slope, Int. J. Geophys., doi:10.1155/2012/640250, 2012.
  8. 川林徹也・三ケ田均・後藤忠徳・武川順一・尾西恭亮, 波動の地表入射角の決定におけるτ-p変換の優位性とマイグレーションに及ぼす効果, 物理探査, 65, 213-222, 2012.
  9. Takekawa, J ., Madariaga, R., Mikada, H., and Goto, T., Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation produced by earthquake by using a particle method, Geophys. J. Int., 191 , 1305-1316, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05676.x, 2012.
  10. Chiang, C. W., Goto, T., Mikada, H., Chen, C. C., and Hsu, S. K., Sensitivity of deep-towed marine electrical resistivity imaging using two-dimensional Inversion: a case study on methane hydrate, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 23, 725-732, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2012.06.19.01(T), 2012.
  11. Takekawa, J., Mikada, H., Goto, T., Sanada, Y., and Ashida, Y., Coupled Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation and Failure Phenomena by Use of an MPS Method, Pure Appl. Geophys., 170, 561-570, doi:10.1007/s00024-012-0571-8, 2012.
  12. Takekawa, J., Mikada, H., and Goto, T., Effect of heterogeneities on evaluating earthquake triggering of volcanic eruptions, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 231-237, doi:10.5194/nhess-13-231-2013, 2013.
  13. Hondori, E. J., Mikada, H., Goto, T., and Takekawa, J., A random layer-stripping method for seismic reflectivity inversion, Exploration Geophysics, 44, 70-76, doi: 10.1071/EG13013, 2013.
  14. 武川順一・三ケ田均・後藤忠徳, 表面波伝播シミュレーションにおける粒子法の精度評価, 物理探査, 66, 85-96, 2013.
  15. Okamoto, K., Mikada, H., Goto, T., and Takekawa, J., Numerical analysis of the relationship between time-variant coda-Q and the variation in crustal stress, Geophys. J. Int., 195, 575-581, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt243, 2013.
  16. Seama, N., Tada, N., Goto, T., and Shimoizumi, M., A continuously towed vertical bipole source for marine magnetometric resistivity surveying, Earth Planets Space, 65, 883-891, doi:10.5047/eps.2013.03.007, 2013.
  17. Takekawa, J., Mikada, H., and Goto, T., A Hamiltonian particle method with a staggered particle technique for simulating seismic wave propagation, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 1747-1757, doi:10.1007/s00024-013-0763-x, 2014.
  18. Takekawa, J., Mikada, H., and Goto, T., Numerical simulation using a Hamiltonian particle method for effective elastic properties in cracked media, Exploration Geophysics, 45, 116-124, doi:10.1071/EG13098, 2014.
  19. Takekawa, J., Mikada, H., and Goto, T., An accuracy analysis of a Hamiltonian particle method with the staggered particles for seismic-wave modeling including surface topography, Geophysics, 79, T189-T197, doi: 10.1190/geo2014-0012.1, 2014.
  20. Ozaki, Y., Mikada, H., Goto, T., & Takekawa, J. (2014). Self-potential inversion for the estimation of permeability structure. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 19(3), 193-199.
  21. 畠田健太朗, 林為人, 後藤忠徳, 廣瀬丈洋, 谷川亘, 濱田洋平, & 多田井修. (2015). 交流インピーダンス法を用いた比抵抗測定の精度および地質試料における有効性の検討実験. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development, 20, 41-50.
  22. Goto, T. (2015). Numerical studies of geomagnetically induced electric field on seafloor and near coastal zones incorporated with heterogeneous conductivity distributions. Earth, Planets and Space, 67(1), 193.


  1. Asada, M., Kasaya, T., Sayanagi, K., & Goto, T. (2016). Indication of hydrothermal deposits and ore area on caldera floor and shallow sub-seafloor of the Bayonnaise knoll, based on high-resolution acoustic investigation. Geochemical Journal, 50(6), 461-475.
  2. 佐藤真也, 後藤忠徳, 笠谷貴史, 川田佳史, 岩本久則, & 北田数也. (2017). 独立成分分析を用いた海底自然電場データのノイズ除去. 物理探査, 70, 42-55.
  3. Imamura, N., Goto, T., Kasaya, T., & Machiyama, H. (2017). Robust data processing of noisy marine controlled-source electromagnetic data using independent component analysis. Exploration Geophysics, 49(1), 21-29.
  4. Yamamoto, M., Goto, T., & Kiji, M. (2017). Possible mechanism of molten sulfur eruption: Implications from near-surface structures around of a crater on a flank of Mt. Shiretokoiozan, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 346, 212-222.
  5. Magaia, L. A., Goto, T., Masoud, A. A., & Koike, K. (2018). Identifying groundwater potential in crystalline basement rocks using remote sensing and electromagnetic sounding techniques in central western Mozambique. Natural Resources Research, 27(3), 275-298.
  6. Yoshimura, R., Ogawa, Y., Yukutake, Y., Kanda, W., Komori, S., Hase, H., Goto, T., Honda, R., Harada, M., Yamazaki, T., Kamo, M., Kawasaki, S., Higa, T., Suzuki, T., Yasuda, Y., Tani, M., & Usui, Y. (2018). Resistivity characterisation of Hakone volcano, Central Japan, by three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion. Earth, Planets and Space, 70:66.
  7. 大田優介, 後藤忠徳, 小池克明, 柏谷公希, 林為人, 多田井修, 笠谷貴史, 金松敏也, & 町山栄章. (2018). 海底熱水活動域で得られた岩石試料の電気伝導度特性に基づく岩石物理モデルの構築. 物理探査, 71, 43-55.
  8. Nakamura, S., Ebihara, Y., Fujita, S., Goto, T., Yamada, N., Watari, S., & Omura, Y. (2018). Time domain simulation of geomagnetically induced current (GIC) flowing in 500-kV power grid in Japan including a three-dimensional ground inhomogeneity. Space Weather, 16(12), 1946-1959.
  9. Magaia, L. A., Koike, K., Goto, T., & Masoud, A. A. (2019). Discriminating weathering degree by integrating optical sensor and SAR satellite images for potential mapping of groundwater resources in basement aquifers of semiarid regions. Natural Resources Research, 28(3), 1197-1215.
  10. 石須慶一, Chatchai Vachiratienchai, Weerachai Siripunvaraporn, 後藤忠徳, 笠谷貴史, & 岩本久則. (2019). 海底熱水鉱床調査における深海曳航式電気探査の有効性評価. 物理探査, 72, 122-138.
  11. Ishizu, K., Goto, T., Ohta, Y., Kasaya, T., Iwamoto, H., Vachiratienchai, C., Siripunvaraporn, W., Tsuji, T., Kumagai H., & Koike, K. (2019). Internal structure of a seafloor massive sulfide deposit by electrical resistivity tomography, Okinawa Trough. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(20), 11025-11034.
  12. 岡本拓, 後藤忠徳, 笠谷貴史, 寺西陽祐, 石須慶一, 稲盛隆穂, 阿部進, & 高井克己. (2020). 三次元海洋電磁探査の高度化に向けた技術開発と課題, 石油技術協会誌, 85(1), 54-61.
  13. de Sa, V. R., Koike, K., Goto, T., Nozaki ,T., Takaya, Y. & Yamasaki, T. (2020). A combination of geostatistical methods and principal components analysis for detection of mineralized zones in seafloor hydrothermal systems. Natural Resources Research, 1-13.
  14. Sato, S., Goto, T., & Koike, K. (2020). Spatial gradients of geomagnetic temporal variations causing the instability of inter-station transfer functions. Earth, Planets and Space, 72(1), 1-19.
  15. Tomita, S. A., Koike, K., Goto, T., & Suzuki, K. (2020). Numerical Simulation‐Based Clarification of a Fluid‐Flow System in a Seafloor Hydrothermal Vent Area in the Middle Okinawa Trough. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(20), e2020GL088681.
  16. Chang, P.-Y., Goto, T., Hu, X., & Um, E. (2020). A review of electromagnetic exploration Techniques and their applications in East Asia. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 31, 487-495.
  1. Sato, S., Goto, T., Kasaya, T., & Ichihara, H. (2021). Method for obtaining response functions from noisy magnetotelluric data using frequency-domain independent component analysis. Geophysics, 86(1), E21-E35.
  2. Asaue, H., Koike, K., Yoshinaga, T., Goto, T., & Yoshida, H. (2021). Development and Application of a Variable-Frequency-Based Electric Sounding System for Increasing the Accuracy of Aquifer Detection. Natural Resources Research, 30, 3017-3034.
  3. Usui, Y., Uyeshima, M., Ogawa, T., Yoshimura, R., Oshiman, N., Yamaguchi, S., Toh, H., Murakami, H., Aizawa, K., Tanbo, T., Ogawa, Y., Nishitani, T., Sakanaka, S., Mishina, M., Satoh, H., Goto, T., Kasaya, T., Mogi, T., Yamaya, Y., Shiozaki, I., & Honkura, Y. (2021). Electrical Resistivity Structure Around the Atotsugawa Fault, Central Japan, Revealed by a New 2-D Inversion Method Combining Wideband‐MT and Network‐MT Data Sets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(4), e2020JB020904.
  4. de Sa, V. R., Koike, K., Goto, T., Nozaki, T., Takaya, Y., & Yamasaki, T. (2021). 3D geostatistical modeling of metal contents and lithofacies for mineralization mechanism determination of a seafloor hydrothermal deposit in the middle Okinawa Trough, Izena Hole. Ore Geology Reviews, 135, 104194.
  5. Wu, J., Goto, T., & Koike, K. (2021). Estimating fractured rock effective permeability using discrete fracture networks constrained by electrical resistivity data. Engineering Geology, 289, 106178.
  6. Ishizu, K., Siripunvaraporn, W., Goto, T., Koike, K., Kasaya, T., & Iwamoto, H. (2022). A cost-effective three-dimensional marine controlled-source electromagnetic survey: Exploring seafloor massive sulfides. Geophysics, 87(4), E219-E241.
  7. 木村健太, 後藤忠徳, 前田智輝, 山田尊生, & 萩谷健治. (2022). 高粘性流体を含む堆積物の比抵抗と飽和度の関係. 物理探査, 75, 64-69.
  8. Ohta, Y., Goto, T., N., Kashiwaya, K., & Koike, K. (2023). Multi-capacitance electric relaxation model for complex electrical conductivity of sulphide ores. Exploration Geophysics (accepted, published).
  9. Ichihara, H., Kasaya, T., Baba, K., Goto, T., & Yamano, M.(2023). 2D resistivity model around the rupture area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake (Mw 9.0). Earth Planets Space 75, 82.
  10. Goto, T., Terajima, T., Yamazaki, T., and Hattori, K., Resistivity structures below pre- and post-landslide slopes: a case study in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, Japan, in prep
  11. Goto, T., and Kasaya, T., Recent Advances of Instruments for Marine Electromagnetic Researches -From Shallow Water Environmental Studies to Deeper Mantle Imaging-, Marine Geophysical Res., in prep.
  12. Ohta, Y., Goto, T., Koike, K., Kashiwaya, K., Lin, W., Tadai, O., Kasaya, T., Kanamatsu,T.,& Machiyama, H. A new rock physics model for sulfide ores in seafloor hydrothermal area: a model proposal and applications. in prep.

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Reference Papers
and Hot Coffee!!


 cf. * = Reviewed, + = Referred (without a peer review)
  1. Asakawa, K., H. Mikada, K. Kawaguchi, R. Iwase, K. Hirata, T. Goto, K. Mitsuzawa, H. Matsumoto, T. Watanabe and K. Suyehiro, Envisioned Network System for Future Underwater Observations, Proceedings of Techno-Ocean 02 CD-ROM, 2002. +
  2. Iwase, R., K. Asakawa, H. Mikada, T. Goto, K. Mitsuzawa, K. Kawaguchi, K. Hirata and Y. Kaiho, Off Hatsushima Island observatory in Sagami Bay: Multidisciplinary long term observation at cold seepage site with underwater mateable connectors for future use, Proc. IEEE, 3rd Inter. Workshop Sci. Use Submarine Cables Related Tech., 31-34. 2003. +
  3. Goto, T., K. Kawaguchi, H. Utada, H. Shimizu, H. Mikada, Measuring the electric field of the earth by an ocean bottom instrument with a long (10-100km) cable, Ocean '04 - MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04: Bridges across the Oceans - Conference Proceedings, 3, 1277-1280, 2004. +
  4. Mikada H., H. Matsumoto, T. Watanabe, K. Kawaguchi, K. Mitsuzawa, K. Asakawa, T. Goto, T. Kasaya, R. Otsuka and S. Morita, Seismological findings using real- time cabled observatories, Proc. 4th International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, 9-13, 2006 +
  5. Asakawa K., Goto T., Mitsuzawa K., Yokobiki T., Araki E., Kinoshita M., Nakamura H., Kojima J., Kawaguchi K., Kitazato H., Kazumasa Oguri, Yamamoto H., Fujikura K., Kuramoto S., and Masago H., New cable projects in JAMSTEC, Proc. 4th International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, 271-276, 2006. +
  6. Asakawa, K., T. Yokobiki, T. Goto, E. Araki, M. Kinoshita and K. Mitsuzawa, Outline of New Cabled Observation System off Toyohashi, International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 2007 - International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies 2007, 185-190, 2007. +
  7. Iwase, R., T. Goto, T. Kikuchi and K. Mizutani, Earthquake Accompanied by Mudflow Observed by a Cabled Observatory off Hatsushima Island in Sagami Bay in April 2006, International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 2007 - International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies 2007, 472-475, 2007. +
  8. Goto, T., T. Kasaya, M. Kinoshita, E. Araki, K. Kawaguchi, K. Asakawa, T. Yokobiki, M. Harada, T. Nakajima, H. Nagao and K. Sayanagi, Scientific survey and monitoring of the off-shore seismogenic zone with Tokai SCANNER: Submarine cabled network observatory for nowcast of earthquake recurrence in the Tokai region, Japan, International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 2007 - International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies 2007, art. no. 4231148, 670-673, 2007. +
  9. Kasaya, T., K. Mitsuzawa, T. Goto, K. Sayanagi, E. Araki, K. Asakawa, R. Iwase, H. Mikada,and T. Nagao, Multidisciplinary observations at an expandable sub-marine cabled station off the Hatsushima island, the Sagami bay, Japan, International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 2007 - International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies 2007, art. no. 4231149, 674-676, 2007. +
  10. Tanaka, S., H. Mikada, T. Goto, K. Onishi, J. Kasahara and T. Kuroda, Design of new vibroseis-type signal generator - dynamic model simulation-. Proc. 9th SEGJ Intern. Symp., Imaging and Interpretation -Science and Technology for Sustainable Development-, CD-ROM, 2009. *
  11. Yamazaki, S., K. Onishi, T. Goto, H. Mikada, and N. Konishi, Feasibility study of subsurface electromagnetic exploration using longwave radio-clock time-signal, Proc. 9th SEGJ Intern. Symp., Imaging and Interpretation -Science and Technology for Sustainable Development-, CD-ROM, 2009. *
  12. Ohkawa, E., H. Mikada, T. Goto, K. Onishi, K. Taniguchi and Y. Ashida, Effects of silicic spheres on electromagnetic wave propagation, Proc. 9th SEGJ Intern. Symp., Imaging and Interpretation -Science and Technology for Sustainable Development-, CD-ROM, 2009. *
  13. Goto, T., Fujitani, J., K. Onishi, H. Mikada, T. Kasaya, M. Kinoshita, E. Araki, T. Yokobiki and K. Asakawa, Continuous monitoring of the shallow sub-seafloor resistivity using controlled current source, off Toyohashi, Japan, Proc. 9th SEGJ Intern. Symp., Imaging and Interpretation -Science and Technology for Sustainable Development-, CD-ROM, 2009. *
  14. Kawabayashi, T., J. Takekawa, T. Goto, H. Mikada and K. Onishi, Availability of Fresnel volume migration to seismic reflection method using incident angles decided by τ-P transform, Expanded Abs. SEG, 29, 1698-1702, 2010. *
  15. Banno, T., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa and K. Onishi, Anomalous sonic velocities in the formation containing multi-phase fluids, Expanded Abs. SEG, 29, 2659-2663, 2010. *
  16. Takekawa, J., H. Mikada, T. Goto, E. Asakawa and T. Shimura, Numerical simulation of deep-towed streamer cable in ocean current by ALE finite element method, Proc. IEEE, OCEANS’10, CD-ROM, 2010. +
  17. Imamura, N., T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada, Application of marine controlled-source electromagnetic sounding to submarine massive sulphides explorations, Expanded Abs. SEG, 30, 730-734, doi:10.1190/1.3628182, 2011. *
  18. Hondori, E. J., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. R. Siahkoohi, Spiking deconvolution; an inverse problem point of view, Expanded Abs. SEG, 30, 2581-2585, doi:10.1190/1.362772, 2011. *
  19. Takekawa, J., R. Madariaga, H. Mikada and T. Goto, A particle method for seismic wave propagation on arbitrary surface of the ground, Expanded Abs. SEG, 30, 2904-2908, doi:10.1190/1.3627798, 2011. *
  20. Okamoto, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Numerical studies on stress field monitoring using Coda-Q, Expanded Abs. SEG, 30, 4229-4233, doi:10.1190/1.3628089, 2011. *
  21. Hondori, E. J., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Reflectivity-guided non-hyperbolic automatic velocity analysis, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 39-42, 2011. *
  22. Kida, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa, E. Asakawa and T. Shimura, Comparison of techniques for plane-wave decomposition to VCS acoustic data, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 43-46, 2011. *
  23. Imamura, N., T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada, Feasibility study of marine controlled-source electromagnetic sounding for submarine massive sulphides explorations, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 199-202, 2011. *
  24. Ozaki, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa, M. Tsujimura and F. Hachani, Effect of heterogeneity of permeability on streaming potential, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 211-214, 2011. *
  25. Nagata, H., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa, T. Kasaya and H. Utada, Data processing revisited in electrical and electromagnetic survey data using digital filters, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 231-234, 2011. *
  26. Takekawa, J., Madariaga, R., H. Mikada and T. Goto, Applicability of a particle method with arbitrary particle refinement for elastic wave propagation, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 290-293, 2011. *
  27. Imai, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Relationship between formation of echelon faults and stress field in rock mass, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 310-313, 2011. *
  28. Mikada, H., Ohkawa, E., T. Goto, J. Takekawa, S. Morino, K. Taniguchi and Y. Ashida, Suppression of insolation heating based on physical laws -New paradigm in air conditioning-, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 372-375, 2011. *
  29. Ohata, T., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Numerical simulation method of tsunami propagation including the effects of seafloor topography, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 376-379, 2011. *
  30. Goto, T., J. Takekawa, H. Mikada, K. Sayanagi, M. Harada, T. Sawa, N. Tada and T. Kasaya, Marine electromagnetic sounding on submarine massive sulphides using Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 418-422, 2011. *
  31. Okamoto, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Numerical studies on a relationship between coda-Q and stress loaded to the crust, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 479-482, 2011. *
  32. Minami, S., M. Iguchi, H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Magma migration prior to the eruption at the Showa crater of Sakurajima volcano inferred from the ground deformations in 2009, Proceedings of The 10th SEGJ International Symposium -Imaging and Interpretation-, 483-486, 2011. *
  33. Imamura, N., T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada, Full time-domain waveform inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic exploration of submarine massive sulphides , Expanded Abs. SEG 2012, doi:10.1190/segam2012-1244.1, 2012. *
  34. Okamoto, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Stress field monitoring using sismic scattering, Expanded Abs. SEG 2012, doi:10.1190/segam2012-1272.1, 2012. +
  35. Ozaki, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Effects of subsurface permeability structure on self potential distribution, Expanded Abs. SEG 2012, doi:10.1190/segam2012-1117.1, 2012. *
  36. Teranishi, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Three-dimensional joint inversion of gravity and magnetic anomalies based on density-magnetization relationship, Expanded Abs. SEG 2012, doi:10.1190/segam2012-1249.11, 2012. *
  37. Kida, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Application of the full-waveform inversion techniques to the estimation of the sound velocity structure in the ocean , Oceans'12 , doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2012.6404888, 2012. +
  38. Ozaki, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Estimation of permeability structure with self-potential inversion , SAGEEP 2013 , 2013. +
  39. Goto, T., J. Takekawa, H. Mikada, T. Kasaya, H. Machiyama, K. Iijima and K. Sayanagi, Resistivity survey of seafloor massive sulfide areas in the Iheya north area, off Okinawa, Japan, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-075, 2013. *
  40. Ueda, R., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Numerical simulation for flux change in laminar flow under oscillating boundary condition with lattice Boltzmann method, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-048075, 2013. *
  41. Ishikura, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Q factor of elastic wave propagation in poroelastic medium, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-050, 2013. *
  42. Imamura, N., T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada, Resolution of full waveform inversion in marine controlled-source electromagnetic exploration, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-089, 2013. *
  43. Teranishi, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Three-dimensional joint inversion of gravity and magnetic anomalies using fuzzy c-means clustering, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-094, 2013. *
  44. Goto, T., T. Kasaya, N. Imamura, H. Mikada, J. Takekawa and K. Sayanagi, Electromagnetic survey around the seafloor massive sulfide using autonomous underwater vehicle, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-087, 2013. *
  45. Takekawa, J., H. Mikada and T. Goto, Computational rock experiment for estimation of rock strength, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-096, 2013. *
  46. Kida, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa, E. Asakawa and F. Murakami, Full Waveform Inversion applied to hydroacoustic velocity mapping, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-012, 2013. *
  47. Hondori, E. J., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Frequency domain elastic Full Waveform Inversion using simultaneous seismic sources, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-011, 2013. *
  48. Horie, J., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa, Y. Manaka, K. Taniguchi and y. Ashida, The suppression of insolation heating induced by scattering of electromagnetic waves by fine spheres, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-067, 2013. *
  49. Okubo, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Stress distribution and fracture propagation in a fractured medium due to fluid pressure changes, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-104, 2013. *
  50. Tani, M., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa and W. Siripunvaraporn, Removability of galvanic distortion on 3-D MT inversion, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-022, 2013. *
  51. Saito, T., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, 2.5D-FDFD simulation for high-resolution eddy-current testing method, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-014, 2013. *
  52. Hyodo, D., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Pseudo resistivity cross section imaging using VLF-EM data, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-020, 2013. *
  53. Ozaki, Y., J. H. Bradford, H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, The estimation of hydraulic conductivity structure by means of SP inversion to dipole pumping test data, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-023, 2013. *
  54. Okamoto, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Relationship between coda-Q and variation of stress: case study, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-119, 2013. *
  55. Takekawa, J., H. Mikada and T. Goto, Numerical investigation for earthquake triggering of volcanic eruptions considering heterogeneity, Proc. 11th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj112013-116 , 2013. *
  56. Imamura, N. , T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada, Source estimation of controlled-source electromagnetic exploration using electromagnetic full waveform inversion , Expanded Abs. SEG, 835-839, doi:10.1190/segam2013-0859.1, 2013. *
  57. Okamoto, K ., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Seismic scattering change in an inelastic cracked medium, Expanded Abs. SEG, 2910-2915, doi:10.1190/segam2013-0859.1, 2013. *
  58. Kida, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto, J. Takekawa, E. Asakawa and F. Murakami, Application of full waveform inversion technique to shallow water acoustic tomography, Expanded Abs. SEG, 1063-1067, doi:10.1190/segam2013-0475.1, 2013. *
  59. Okubo, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Stress distribution in fractured medium and fracture propagation due to formation pressure changes, Expanded Abs. SEG, 626-630, doi:10.1190/segam2013-0730.1, 2013. *
  60. Teranishi, Y., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Three-dimensional joint inversion of gravity and magnetic anomalies using fuzzy c-means clustering, 75th EAGE conference & exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, We P03 05, 2013. *
  61. Okamoto, K., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Utilization of waveform for estimating stress change in time, 75th EAGE conference & exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, We P10 14, 2013. *
  62. Hondori, E. J., H. Mikada, T. Goto and J. Takekawa, A MATLAB package for frequency domain modeling of elastic waves, 75th EAGE conference & exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, Tu P13 08, 2013. *
  63. Imamura, N., T. Goto, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada, Topographic Modelling Using a Particle Method in 3D Controlled-source Electromagnetic Exploration, 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.2014110, 2014. *
  64. Kusuda, K., T. Goto and J. Takekawa, Improvement of Gas Hydrate Response after Transforming to the Fictitious Wave Domain, 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201413071, 2015. *
  65. Ishizu, K. and T. Goto, Accuracy evaluation of MT response calculated with particle method and higher-order particle method using the Taylor expansion, Proc. 12th SEGJ International Symposium, doi:10.1190/segj122015-054, 2015. *
  66. Sato, S., T. Goto, T. Kasaya, and H. Ichihara, Noise-reduction method of magnetotelluric data based on frequency-domain independent component analysis. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 1241-1245, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2017. *
  67. Sato, S., and Goto, T., Evaluation of effect on transfer functions by time-spatial geomagnetic variation using Multi-Channel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 12, 2018. *
  68. Yamada, Y., and Goto, T., Application of inversion using Tipper data for analysis of resistivity structure in geothermal field, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 12, 2018. *
  69. Goto, T., Ishizu, K., Vachiratienchai, C., Siripunvaraporn, W., Kasaya, T., and Iwamoto, H., How are seafloor ore deposits produced at an active hydrothermal field? - Implication from marine DC resistivity survey in Okinawa Trough, Japan, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 12, 2018. *
  70. Kawaguchi, S., and Goto, T., Hydraulic permeability of granitic bedrock estimated from resistivity and young’s modulus, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 14, 2018. *
  71. Wu, J., and Goto, T., Quantitative estimation of effective hydraulic permeability of fractured rock masses using DFN realizations constrained by electrical resistivity, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 12, 2018. *
  72. Koji, H., and Goto, T., Reliability evaluation of 2-D resistivity structure derived by magnetotelluric survey using Markov Chain Monte-Carlo method, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 12, 2018. *
  73. Ohta, Y., Goto, T., Koike, K., Kashiwaya, K., Lin, W., Tadai, O., Kasaya, T., Kanamatsu, T., and Machiyama, H., Reproducing electrical conductivity characteristics of rock samples obtained from seafloor hydrothermal area with new rock physics model, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Nov. 12, 2018. *
  74. Sato, S., and Goto, T., Improvements in data processing for time-lapse EM exploration by Multi-Channel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration, Kyoto, Nov. 26, 2018. *
  75. Tomita, S. A., Koike, K., Goto, T., and Suzuki, K., Numerical simulation of multiphase fluid flow in seafloor hydrothermal vent areas, 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration, Kyoto, Nov. 26, 2018. *
  76. Wu, J., and Goto, T., Quantitative estimation of hydraulic permeability of a fractured rock mass using a conditioning discrete fracture network constrained by electrical resistivity, 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration, Kyoto, Nov. 26, 2018. *
  77. Goto, T., Ishizu, K., Vachiratienchai, C., Siripunvaraporn, W., Kasaya, T., and Iwamoto, H., First resistivity image of seafloor ore deposits at an active hydrothermal field, Okinawa Trough, Japan, 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration, Kyoto, Nov. 27, 2018. *
  78. Ribeiro de Sa,V., Koike, K., Goto, T., Suzuki, K., Ishibashi, J., Nozaki, T., Takaya, Y., Masaki, Y., and Kumagai, H., Spatial modeling of element contents in active seafloor hydrothermal field by a combination of principal component analysis and geostatistical simulation, 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration, Kyoto, Nov. 27, 2018. *
  79. Ohta, Y., Goto, T., Koike, K., Kashiwaya, K., Lin, W., Tadai, O., Kasaya, T., Kanamatsu, T., and Machiyama, H., Study on physical properties and mineral compositions of rock samples obtained from seafloor hydrothermal area, 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration, Kyoto, Nov. 27, 2018. *


  1. 住友則彦・小泉誠・後藤忠徳・松尾成光・渡辺邦彦, 漏洩電流の性質について(1), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 35B-1, 279-290, 1992.
  2. 後藤忠徳・山口覚・宝谷博之・伊勢崎修弘・安川克巳, 中央構造線(四国東部)の電気伝導度構造, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1993年論文集(CAグループ編), 31-37, 1993.
  3. 藤田清士・小川康雄・山口覚・宝谷博之・後藤忠徳・堀史有・安川克巳, 紀伊半島中央部下の電気伝導度構造(1), Conductivity Anomaly研究会1993年論文集(CAグループ編), 38-47, 1993.
  4. 後藤忠徳・坂中伸也・堀友紀・和田安男・住友則彦・大志万直人, 能登半島沖地震に関連した全磁力変化, 京都大学防災研究所年報, 37B-1,281-292, 1994.
  5. 後藤忠徳, AMT観測の安定性, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1994年論文集(CAグループ編), 47-52, 1994.
  6. 藤田清士・小川康雄・山口覚・堀史有・宝谷博之・後藤忠徳・安川克巳, 紀伊半島下の電気比抵抗構造と震源分布の対比について, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1994年論文集(CAグループ編), 99-104, 1994.
  7. 宝谷博之・山口覚・後藤忠徳・住友則彦・地殻比抵抗研究グループ, 滋賀県北西部・花折断層周辺の比抵抗構造, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1994年論文集(CAグループ編), 105-113, 1994.
  8. 後藤忠徳・坂中伸也・堀友紀・大志万直人・和田安男・住友則彦, 跡津川断層周辺の地下電気伝導度構造(序報), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 38B-1, 265-274, 1995.
  9. 後藤忠徳・大志万直人・住友則彦・内田利弘・高倉信一・藤田清士・塩崎一郎・田中良和・上嶋誠・笹井洋一・歌田久司, 宮崎県えびの市周辺における広帯域MT観測, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1995年論文集(CAグループ編), 4-10, 1995.
  10. 堀友紀・住友則彦・大志万直人・後藤忠徳・小泉尚嗣, 地磁気変換関数の時間変化について, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1995年論文集(CAグループ編), 77-84, 1995.
  11. 笠谷貴史・住友則彦・後藤忠徳, 直流電車軌道からの漏洩電流のモデル化とその応用(1), Conductivity Anomaly研究会1996年論文集(CAグループ編), 25-32, 1996.
  12. 後藤忠徳・大志万直人・住友則彦・地殻比抵抗研究グループ, えびの群発地震域周辺の電気伝導度構造, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1996年論文集(CAグループ編), 77-84, 1996.
  13. 市來雅啓・三品正明・後藤忠徳・大志万直人・住友則彦・地殻比抵抗研究グループ, MT法による宮城県北部の比抵抗構造モデリング, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1996年論文集(CAグループ編), 128-142, 1996.
  14. 笠谷貴史・住友則彦・後藤忠徳, 直流電車起動からの漏洩電流のモデル化とその応用(2), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 39B-1, 261-272, 1996.
  15. 小笠原宏・高野雅夫・長秋雄・笠谷貴史・住友則彦・後藤忠徳, 南ア金鉱山における電磁気観測環境と地震に伴う電磁放射観測の試み, 月刊地球, 20, 440-445, 1998.
  16. 小川康雄・1998年電磁気共同観測MTデータ整理委員会, 広帯域MT法による千屋断層深部比抵抗構造(序報), Conductivity Anomaly研究会1999年論文集(CAグループ編), 6-13, 1999.
  17. 後藤忠徳, 磁場電場分離MT法を用いた比抵抗構造解析の特性, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1999年論文集(CAグループ編), 14-20, 1999.
  18. 地殻比抵抗研究グループ, 広帯域MT法による千屋断層深部比抵抗構造調査(序報), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 42B-1, 203-211, 1999.
  19. 1998年電磁気共同観測MTデータ整理委員会(執筆代表:小川康雄・三品正明), MT法による奥羽脊梁山地の地殻構造探査, 月刊地球, 号外27号, 88-92, 1999.
  20. 後藤忠徳・佐柳敬造・三ケ田均・長尾年恭, ロシア製トーション型磁力計の較正試験および動作試験, 海洋科学技術センター試験研究報告, 45, 41-53, 2002.
  21. Goto, T., N. Seama, H. Shiobara, K. Baba, M. Ichiki, H. Iwamoto, T. Matsuno, K. Mochizuki, Y. Nogi, S. Oki, K. Schwalenberg, N. Tada, K. Suyehiro, H. Mikada, T. Kanazawa, Y. Fukao, and H. Utada, Geophysical experiments in the Mariana region: Report of the YK01-11cruise, InterRidge News, 11, 1, 23-25, 2002.
  22. OD21 Science Advisory Comitee, Downhole measurement/monitoring working group interim report, JAMSTEC, 23 pp. , 2002.
  23. Seama, N., T. Goto, Y. Nogi, M. Ichiki, T. Kasaya, N. Tada, H. Iwamoto, K. Kitada, T. Matsuno, S. Yoshida, Y. Kawada, M. Ito, R. Ishii, K. Takizawa, K. Suyehiro, H. Utada and M. Shimoizumi, Preliminary report of KR02-14 Kairei cruise, JAMSTEC J. Deep Sea Res., 22, 89-106, 2003.
  24. 岩瀬良一・後藤忠徳・藤縄幸雄・松本拓己・高橋耕三, 相模湾初島沖海底ケーブルによる電界変動計測, JAMSTEC深海研究, 23, 107-119, 2003.
  25. 後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・木下正高・三ケ田均・嶋田純・佐藤壮, 地下水流動に伴う海底 自然電位異常検出の試み, JAMSTEC深海研究, 24, 13-24, 2004.
  26. 後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・藤浩明, 海陸境界の地下構造がMT応答関数に与える影響, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2004年論文集(CAグループ編), 9-15, 2005.
  27. 大志万直人・吉村令慧・上嶋誠・藤浩明・兼崎弘憲・望戸裕司・中尾節郎・小山茂・相澤広記・西谷忠師・宇都智史・桑波吉紘・田中嘉一・和田安男・藤田安良・坂中伸也・小川康雄・本蔵義守・氏原直人・三品正明・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・佐藤秀幸・山口覚・長野雄大・村上英記・塩崎一郎・茂木透・山谷祐介・原田誠・松浦友紀・森谷辰輝・笠見弘昌・畑真紀, 歪集中帯周辺(跡津川断層)での広帯域MT観測による深部比抵抗構造(序報), 京都大学防災研究所年報, 第48号B, 125-131, 2005.
  28. 三ケ田均・浅川賢一・満沢巨彦・川口勝義・松本浩幸・荒木英一郎・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・渡邊智毅・大塚梨代・森田重彦, 海底ケーブル式海洋観測技術の進化と世界の動向, 月刊地球, 号外51, 238-244, 2005.
  29. Goto, T., Electrical Conductivity Structures around Seismically Locked Regions, Frontier Research on Earth Evolution vol.2, IFREE Report for 2003-2004, CD-ROM published by IFREE, JAMSTEC, 2005.
  30. Baba, K., N. Seama, T. Goto, M. Ichiki, K. Schwalenberg, H. Utada, and K. Suyehiro, Electrical structure of the upper mantle in the Mariana subduction system, Frontier Research on Earth Evolution vol.2, IFREE Report for 2003-2004, CD-ROM published by IFREE, JAMSTEC, 2005.
  31. 松野哲男・島伸和・馬場聖至・後藤忠徳・Alan Chave・Rob L. Evans・Antony White・Goran Boren・米田朝美・岩本久則・辻野良輔・馬場祐太・歌田久司・末広潔, 沈み込み・前弧・島弧・背弧系(中部マリアナ海域)の海底MT横断探査(序報), Conductivity Anomaly研究会2007年論文集(CAグループ編), 47, 2007.
  32. 新山明理・村上英記・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史, 室戸海底ケーブルによる地電位差観測, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2007年論文集(CAグループ編), 48-52, 2007.
  33. 浅川賢一・横引貴史・後藤忠徳・荒木英一郎・木下正高, 通信用光海底ケーブルを再利用した豊橋沖観測システムの概要, 月刊地球, 29, 523-528, 2007.
  34. 後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・木下正高・荒木英一郎・川口勝義・浅川 賢一・横引貴史・原田誠・中島崇裕・長尾大道・佐柳敬造, 豊橋沖海底ケーブルを用いた能動・受動的海底電磁気モニタリング, 月刊地球, 29, 511-515, 2007.
  35. 坂田玄輝・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・尾西恭亮・三ケ田均, 海洋MT法による地殻比抵抗構造探査と地形の3次元的影響の検討, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2009年論文集(CAグループ編), 17-22, 2009.
  36. 川村喜一郎・濱元栄起・山野誠・後藤忠徳・馬場聖至・原田誠・川田佳史・桜井紀旭・羽入朋子・南澤智美・畠山映・富樫尚孝・宗輝・KR08-10乗船研究者, 地球の体温を測って,地球に電気を流す, e-フェンスター(コラム), 地質学会, 2009年.
  37. 臼井嘉哉・上嶋誠・小河勉・吉村令慧・大志万直人・山口覚・藤浩明・村上英記・宇都智史・兼崎弘憲・望戸裕司・相澤広記・丹保俊哉・最上巴恵・小川康雄・西谷忠師・坂中伸也・三品正明・佐藤秀幸・後藤忠徳・笠谷貴史・茂木透・山谷祐介・原田誠・塩崎一郎・本蔵義守・小山茂・望月裕峰・中尾節郎・和田安男・藤田安良, 新潟-神戸ひずみ集中帯における深部比抵抗構造-広帯域MT法とネットワークMT法のジョイントインバージョン-, Conductivity Anomaly研究会1993年論文集(CAグループ編), 41-48, 2010.
  38. 後藤忠徳, 電磁波による海底資源の新しい探査法の開発, 中国・日本科学最前線-研究の現場から-2010年版, 科学技術振興機構中国総合研究センター, 369-372, 2010.
  39. 後藤忠徳, プレート境界における電磁気学的地下構造探査, 地震予知連絡会会報, 85, 498-502, 2011.
  40. 吉村令慧・小川康雄・行竹洋平・山崎友也・加茂正人・神田径・小森省吾・後藤忠徳・本田亮・原田昌武・安田陽二郎・谷昌憲, 箱根地震活動域周辺でのAMT観測 -序報-, 京都大学防災研究所年報, 55B, 105-111, 2012.
  41. 吉村令慧・大和田毅・大川隆志・豊留修一・平原秀行・熊坂信之・高橋幸祐・吉武由紀・海東恵美・有田真・長町信吾・阿部聡・森下一・藤井郁子・源泰拓・後藤忠徳, 報告:柿岡での地磁気絶対観測講習, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2013年論文集(CAグループ編),74-78, 2013.
  42. 谷昌憲・三ケ田均・後藤忠徳・武川順一・Weerachai Siripunvaraporn, 3次元MT法インバージョンにおけるGalvanic distortionの除去, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2013年論文集(CAグループ編), 111-112, 2013.
  43. Imamura, N., T. Goto, J. Takekawa, and H. Mikada, Full waveform inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic exploration of submarine massive sulphdies, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2013年論文集(CAグループ編), 113-114, 2013.
  44. 尾崎裕介・三ケ田均・後藤忠徳・武川順一, 自然電位インバージョンによる水頭分布と透水構造の推定, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2013年論文集(CAグループ編),122-124, 2013.
  45. 村上英記・比嘉哲也・鈴木健士・川崎慎吾・吉村令慧・後藤忠徳・大内悠平・山口覚, 2013年度野島注水実験序報, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2014年論文集(CAグループ編), 100-106, 2014.
  46. 後藤忠徳・石須慶一・大田優介, 海底熱水域の低比抵抗異常の原因を岩石物理モデルから探る, Conductivity Anomaly研究会2020年論文集(CAグループ編), 61-64, 2020.


  1. 高橋明久・後藤忠徳, Active Geophysical Monitoring : Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration Volume 40, 物理探査, 64, 199-200, 2011.
  2. 後藤忠徳, 読書のすすめ2011(分担), 全科協ニュース, 41, 6, 1-7, 2011.
  3. 後藤忠徳, 読書のすすめ2012~プレゼントしたい科学の本~(分担), 全科協ニュース, 42, 6, 1-7, 2012.
  4. 後藤忠徳, 読書のすすめ2013(分担), 全科協ニュース, 43, 6, 2-9, 2013.
  5. 後藤忠徳・藤吉隆雄・山中敦子, ホント?SFの中の探査 -2-:サイエンス★ビアガーデン~SF映画に乾杯~, 物理探査ニュース, 20, 14, 2013.
  6. 後藤忠徳, ホント?SFの中の探査 -3-:映画「デイ・アフター・トゥモロー」での物理探査, 物理探査ニュース, 21, 13, 2014.
  7. 山中敦子・後藤忠徳・上野振一郎, ホント?SFの中の探査 -7-:トークライブで"物理探査"!, 物理探査ニュース, 24, 3-4, 2014.
  8. 山本睦徳・後藤忠徳, 素人の僕でもできた!ペットボトル電極で自然電位探査 -知床硫黄山溶融硫黄噴火の謎に迫る!-, 物理探査ニュース, 27, 5-6, 2015.
  9. 後藤忠徳, ホント?SFの中の探査:テレビ番組「サンダーバード」での物理探査, 物理探査ニュース, 29, 1-2, 2015.
  10. 山本睦徳・後藤忠徳, 素人の僕でもできた! ホームセンターで売っている道具で電気探査 -知床硫黄山溶融硫黄噴火の謎に、さらに迫る!-, 物理探査ニュース, 29, 3-5, 2015.


Goto, T., Study on the electrical resistivity structure around the seismogenic zone in the crust, Ph.D Thesis, Kyoto University, 188pp., 1997.


「回収型観測機器」 (特許第4346605号)




  1. 後藤忠徳 (2013). 海の授業, 幻冬舎, ISBN-10:4344024273, 191pp.

  2. 後藤忠徳 (2013). 地底の科学 地面の下はどうなっているのか, ベレ出版, ISBN-10:4860643704, 199 pp.

  3. 後藤忠徳 (2018).日本列島大変動: 巨大地震、噴火がなぜ相次ぐのか
    (ポプラ新書 こ 3-1), ポプラ社, ISBN-10:4591156702, 277 pp.